International Karate Day 2024
The 100 Kata for Karate Day Challenge for 2024 will be on Friday, October 25th. Starting at 18:00 Japan time and this year we will hold it in Tomari Port Park, Naha city.
Why Tomari? Tomari was home and training ground to some of the greatest karate masters from Okinawa including Funakoshi, Motobu, Matsumora, Itosu and more. Their legacy lives on in “Tomari-te” karate today including many well known kata such as Passai, Chinto, Naihanchi and more.
Online registration is free and available via the link below on this page. Register your dojo name and the names of your challengers to be added to the official record.
What’s so special about October 25th? Why has it become “World Karate Day”?
In 1936 a council of leading Okinawan teachers decided on 空手 (karate) as the name for their art. Since then this art has spread around the world improving the lives of millions of practitioners.
(read more on the history here –
Register your participation in the 100 Kata for Karate Day Challenge 2024
Online registration is open and all registered participants will receive a free Certificate of Participation.

Are you in Okinawa for Karate Day?
Please join us for the 100 Karate Kata Challenge in Okinawa on October 25th. We are gathering in the park area in front of Tomari Port from 17:30, in order to start the 100 Kata performance no later than 18:00. We usually finish about 2 hours later, at which point we head across the road to The Westside for refreshments.
Adults and juniors all welcome to participate. You will need to know at least one karate kata and should bring your own drinking water. No participation fee required.
Please contact Asato Dojo to confirm your participation via